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Campus Rules and Expectations

First page of the PDF file: CampusRulesandProcedures2024-2025


Campus Discipline Coordinator - Ireese' Gregory - Assistant Principal

Purpose: This plan is designed to communicate teacher, staff, and student expectations to promote a safe and secure environment that is conducive to learning.

Student Expectations

  • Respect yourself, the teacher, and others

  • Exercise self-control and take responsibility for your actions

  • Follow all school and classroom rules, procedures, and directives

  • No profane or obscene language

  • Respect all school and others’ property

  • Be honest and do your best

  • All electronics must be turned off and not visible during the school day (cell phones, speakers, headphones, smart watches, portable gaming devices, and anything a teacher or administrator deems as an electronic device)


Established, posted, and consistently implemented for Level 1 offenses.

  • 1st Infraction = Warning/Redirection

  • 2nd Infraction = Teacher/Student Conference

  • 3rd Infraction = Parental Contact/Parental Conference - Counselor Intervention

  • 4th Infraction = Referral

Incident Levels

  • Level 1 - Classroom Management

  • Level 2 - Office Management

  • Level 3 - Office Management



  • Walk on the right side of the hallway and stairs during transitions

  • No sliding down the stair rails

  • Keep noise level to a minimum

  • Do not stop the flow of traffic; “KEEP IT MOVING”

  • Students must have a hall pass during instructional time

  • No food, drinks, or littering

  • All electronics must be turned off and not visible during the school day (cell phones, speakers, headphones, smart watches, portable gaming devices, and anything a teacher or administrator deems as an electronic device).


  • Students may only use the restroom at designated times

  • No socializing in the restroom

  • Report any spills or leaks to a teacher or administrator

  • Students will keep all areas and fixtures as clean as possible

  • Students will respect the privacy of others at all times

  • Students will report problems to the closest adult

  • All electronics must be turned off and not visible during the school day (cell phones, speakers, headphones, smart watches, portable gaming devices, and anything a teacher or administrator deems as an electronic device).


  • Students will enter the cafeteria in an orderly manner

  • Keep noise level to a minimum

  • Use good manners and respect the cafeteria employees

  • Place trash in trash cans

  • Leave cafeteria only when dismissed and with a designated adult

  • Students may not bring backpacks to the cafeteria

  • No food or drinks may leave the cafeteria

  • All electronics must be turned off and not visible during the school day (cell phones, speakers, headphones, smart watches, portable gaming devices, and anything a teacher or administrator deems as an electronic device).


PAISD provides bus transportation for qualified students. Riding a school bus is a privilege a student may enjoy as long as he or she follows rules and regulations that have been established by PAISD. However, if it becomes apparent that the student is not cooperating, other appropriate actions/consequences will be taken.

Tardy Policy:

In light of our school’s current academic standing and the need for accelerated instruction, your commitment to attending classes on time is of utmost importance. Punctuality is a crucial aspect of creating a positive and focused learning environment. Therefore, we have implemented a revised tardy policy to reinforce the importance of being on time for class. The policy is as follows:

  1. First Tardy - Verbal Warning
  2. Second Tardy - Verbal Warning and Parent Contact
  3. Third Tardy - After School Detention 
  4. Fourth Tardy - After School Detention 
  5. Fifth Tardy - Mandatory Saturday School
  6. Sixth Tardy - Overnight Suspension Pending Parent Conference
  7. Seventh Tardy - Enter ISS Step System

*After school detention will be held Monday-Thursday from 4:30 pm until 5:30 pm in the library concurrent with after-school tutorials. Failure to report to the after-school detention will result in an overnight suspension pending parent conference.


Students may not display, turn on, or use a telecommunications device, including a cellular telephone, or other electronic device including apple watches, on school property during the instructional day, including during all testing. The use of cell phones in locker rooms or restroom areas at any time, while at school or at a school-related or school-sponsored event is strictly prohibited.  

A student who uses a telecommunications device, including cellular phones, during the school day will have the device confiscated. The parent or student may pick up the confiscated telecommunications device from the Principal’s Office or designee for a fee of $15. [*See policy FNCE]

  • 1st Offense: $15.00 fine - Student may pick up device

  • 2nd Offense: $15.00 fine - Parent or legal guardian on file must pick up the phone

  • 3rd Offense: $15.00 fine - Parent conference with administrator

  • 1st Refusal: 1 Day Suspension

  • 2nd Refusal: 2 Day Suspension & Parent Conference with administrator


School ID

Students must wear their campus school ID during the entire school day and while on any district vehicle or sponsored field trips.  The first ID will be given to students at no charge. Any student who does not have their ID on will be sent to the main office to purchase a new ID. Replacement ID’s are $5.00.  If the lanyard or case needs to be replaced it will cost $2.00 per item.  Students who do not have their ID will be referred to their campus administrator.
